Course Content
Day 1: The course illustrates the Mistake Proofing system and the application of tools and techniques to prevent mistakes from becoming defects in the operational activities. The selection and acquisition of the use of various mistake proofing methods in different work situation and environment. The various topics covered are as follows:
Introduction and course overview
Understanding Errors and Defects
Defects and Inspection
Introduction to Poka-Yoke
Types of Poka-Yoke Devices
The Basic Function of Poka-Yoke
Poka-Yoke Techniques: Best Practices
Practical Exercise: Video Case Analysis
Day 2: It describes the supporting team problem solving skills (which makes almost all of the tools effective) with effective tools like the Pareto Analysis, the Cause and Effect Diagram etc. This also illustrates the six classic problem-solving steps and guidelines for brainstorming the remedial solutions. With the Process Flow charts, it highlights on the improvement steps that need to follow with Plan-Do-Check-Act approach improvement cycles. The participants will also understand the concept of the New Quality Management tools namely, Affinity diagram, Tree diagram, Interrelationship digraph (I.D), Prioritisation matrices and FMEA applications. The selection and acquisition of the use of various mistake proofing methods in different work situation and environment. The various topics covered with case studies / illustrations are as follows:
Advanced Poka-Yoke Techniques
Poka-Yoke Sensors and Devices
Poka-Yoke Examples: Practical Applications
Problem-Solving Approach using Poka-Yoke
The 8 Principles of Poka-Yoke
Implementing a Company-wide Poka-Yoke System
Poka-Yoke Assessment and Evaluation
Workshop Exercises and Discussions