- Quality Tools & Techniques
- 7 hours
5S is a workplace organisation method that uses a list of five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. The English version of 5S are: Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.
5S is a simple but power Lean tool and provides a foundation for the Lean environment. It helps to eliminate waste, improve predictability and standardisation, and visual management. An organised workplace reduces non-value added activities of looking for information, tools and materials, and allows employees to communicate visually. Applying 5S generates positive impact on the quality of products and services in any organisation. Safety, productivity, and the utilisation rate of the company’s occupied workspace and equipment are also impacted. Maintaining an organised workplace is key to continued success for the Lean organisation.
This course also provides additional coverage on Visual Management. Visual management is an improvement process to create a workplace that supports company-wide integration of workplace organisation, standardisation, visual control, visual display, and visual metrics. 5S provides for the necessary infrastructure and cultural changes in sustaining the Lean (also known as Toyota Production System or TPS) programme and initiatives.
Learning Objective
- Understand the meaning and importance of applying 5S in the workplace and in the entire organisation’s processes and departments
- Understand how 5S can improve the workplace and the organisation as a whole
- Identify the 5S challenges in a given area
- Lead and participate in any 5S activity within the organisation
1 day | 9am – 5pm | 7 hours
Who Should Attend
Managers, operational and support staff from both the manufacturing and service (including banking and finance, logistics, healthcare, government and public service) sectors.
Course Fees
Member Fee: $458.89
Non-Member Fee: $507.94
All fees stated are inclusive of Registration Fee and 9% GST
Award of Certificate
Certificate of Completion will be issued to participants who have attended at least 75% of the course.
Course Content
Introduction and Overview
5S and Workplace Organisation
Why 5S?
How does 5S eliminate Organisational Wastes?
5S as a Pre-requisite for Lean
Introduction to the Five Pillars of 5S
Description of the Five Pillars
Common Types of Resistance to 5S Implementation
Benefits of 5S Implementation
The First Pillar: Sort – Explanation of the First Pillar – How to Sort – Steps in Red-Tagging – Accumulation of Unneeded Items – Red-Tagging Suggestions and Reminders
The Second Pillar: Set in Order – Explanation of the Second Pillar – How to Set in Order
The Third Pillar: Shine – Explanation of the Third Pillar – How to Implement Shine
The Fourth Pillar: Standardise – Explanation of the Fourth Pillar – How to Implement Standardised Cleanup – Making Sort, Set in Order, and Shine a Habit – Taking it to the Next Level: Prevention
The Fifth Pillar: Sustain – Explanation of the Fifth Pillar – How to Sustain 5S Activities
Visual Management
Tools and Techniques to Help 5S Implementation
Formulating a Project Plan of Implementation
Critical Success Factors
5S Live Audit